A piece about nature, and the nature of letting go.
In dialogue with Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree and Mary Oliver’s Instructions for living a life.
Featuring Hana Medvešek Ujaković, Milena Matijević Medvešek and 참나무. Additional voices Matko Jovanović and Medvešeki.
With music by Phoebe McIndoe, Monplaisir / Rrrrrose - Loyalty Freak Music, John Bartmann and Marta Medvešek.
License information:
- John Bartmann: Edge Of The Sky | Floaty Dreamy Ambient Audio Drama Soundtrack Music, https://johnbartmann.com/music .
Licensed under CC-BY 3.0 Attribution Licence https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
- Monplaisir / Rrrrrose - Loyalty Freak Music - Pas Chasse - 05 bleu, 08 bleu, https://chezmonplaisir.bandcamp.com/album/pas-chass . Licenced under CC_BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Marta is an award-winning multilingual audio producer based in Berlin and Croatia. Passionate about the art of interviewing and the surprising turns real-life stories often take. Dedicated to only producing stories she wants to exist in the world - stories with heart.
She's created work for BBC Radio 4, Radio 3 and World Service, Deutschlandfunk Kultur and rbb - Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg, Croatian and Slovenian National Broadcasters, Resonance FM, Radiotopia, and Blinkist.
Since winning the Best European Radio Documentary prize at the 2021 Prix Europa, her piece “Fly or Die” has already traveled to festivals and classrooms in a dozen countries all over the world, and has been translated into four languages.
Find out more about her work here.